The shepherds and members of Westridge Church of Christ are committed to helping those in the community who are truly in need, because we follow the example of Jesus. But we are also commanded by the Lord to use any funds with which he has blessed us in a wise manner. Thus, we are willing to help you, but we must first assess your need.
If you are in need of funds for necessities, please click on the links below, print out the forms, fill them out, and return them, along with other requested documents, to Westridge Church of Christ office.

Note: Be sure to read the Financial Assistance form first; it will give you instructions about the second form, Benevolence Application.

Note: For help with groceries, our food pantry is available. The pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 8:30 – 11:00 AM.  Food is provided by Westridge Church of Christ and First United Methodist Church, as well as area grocers such as Harps, American Made General Store, and Wal-Mart.